
Exploring Angel Investing Through Purposeful,
Early-Stage Commitments

I’m passionate about supporting businesses that blend great design with real-world purpose. I back companies that not only create products I personally use and value but also work to create lasting, positive change to our planet while championing underrepresented founders.

Archival Platform For Classic Games
* Acquired by Atari
Video Game Publishing Platform
* Acquired by Republic
Luxury Candy Boutique
Talent for Inclusive Companies
The News You Need
Venture Fund For Underrepresented Founders
Clean Tequila Seltzers
High Velocity Venture Studio
Gourmet Holistic Dog Food
E-Commerce Platform For Creators
Upgrade Your Wallet Security
Personalized Email Platform
Health-Enhancing Apparel
Blockchain For Sustainability
Cardiac Monitoring System
Pioneering Hybrid Offshore Power
Equity Crowdfunding For Creatives
Messaging Automation For All
Up-Cycled Potting Soil
Damn Good Cocktails
*Acquired by New Alchemy Distilling
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